Timeline Imperium Romanum

753 BC
According to legend: founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus
4. – 1. cent. BC
Expansion of the republican city state: subjugation of Italy and the Mediterranean region
Establishment of Provinces
59 – 44 BC
Caesar / Consulate / Conquest of Gaul / Dictatorship / Murder
Beginning of the Imperial Era
27 BC – 14 AD
Augustus / Military monarchy in republican form
14 – 37 AD
Tiberius / Crucifixion of Christ
41 – 54 AD
Claudius / The Via Claudia Augusta is upgraded to become an Imperial road
98 – 117 AD
Trajan / The Imperium Romanum reaches its maximum dimension
117 – 138 AD
Hadrian / Visits Augusta Vindelicum / Augsburg
3.century AD
Soldier Emperors / Collapse of the monarchist central power
379 – 395 AD
Theodosius / Christianity becomes the state religion
395 AD
Division of the Empire: Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire until 1453
476 AD
The last Western Roman Emperor is deposed by the Germanic tribes
15 BC
Conquest of the Roman foothills
Provinces Rhaetia et Vindelicia
14 BC
Military base on the Lorenzberg in Abodiacum / Epfach
13 – ca. 45 AD
Settlement on the Auerberg / Damasia
around 40 / 50 AD
Kempten / Cambodunum becomes the capital of Rhaetia
around 120 AD
Augsburg / Augusta Vindelicum becomes the provincial capital
2. century AD
A network of farm estates (villae rusticae) is established, e.g. in Schwangau / Peiting / Kohlhunden / Schongau
3. und 4. century AD
Invasions of the Alemannic tribes
beginning of the 5. century AD
End of the Roman rule over the Alpine foothills